Select date for 2017
January 3 (Reorganization) January 3 February 1 February 21 March 21 April 18 May 16 June 20
July 18 August 8 September 19 November 21 December 19
December 19, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with several visitors: Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, Dottie Hagenbuch, Dale Ferger, Kyle Payne, Jake Rosen, Terry VanGorden, and Joe Hunt of JHA Companies.
The minutes of November 21st were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by two yes votes; Phelps abstained.
The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Joe Hunt of JHA Companies was present to explain the bid package that was put together for the purchase and installation of replacement sewer pumps throughout the system, which will be financed by the DCED grant that was awarded this year. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to advertise for bids as required. Motion carried by three yes votes. There is a need for some replacement pumps to have on hand now for repairs. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to purchase four pumps. Motion carried by three yes votes.
There was nothing to report.
Attorney Hailstone is working on a written response to DEP for the Plank Road/SR 11 intersection.
The bridge inspection report for Plank Road made a few recommendations on some work that should be done to improve the bridge. These should be able to be addressed next spring.
Dale Ferger questioned the supervisors regarding the township road crew and the written policies the township has concerning employment.
The supervisors discussed the PSATS resolution from last month regarding the prohibition on hosting mini-casinos in the township. After having time to review, they felt the best option would be to pass the resolution now because it can later be rescinded if circumstances change. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to adopt Resolution #4-17 to prohibit mini-casinos in Harford Township. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors reviewed and approved an assessment permit for Joe & Rebecca Mordent for a pole barn.
Jake Rosen spoke about his concerns with the township budget from this year and the one proposed for next year. He pointed out that the impact fee expenses have been higher than what was planned, the value of the millings the township received this year is not shown, and the royalty money the township has received is only to be spent on environmental purposes.
A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to adopt Resolution #2-17 – 2018 Budget and 2018 Tax Rates. Motion carried by three yes votes.
A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to adopt Resolution #3-17 – 2018 Sewer Rate Increase. Motion carried by three yes votes.
A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to schedule a special meeting on January 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM to open the bids for sewer pumps and for general business. Motion carried by three yes votes.
There was some discussion about paying for the new truck and what options are being considered for the dump box.
A motion was made by Furney and seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 PM.
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November 21, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office at 7:00 PM by Vice-Chairman Sue Furney due to the absence of Chairman Doug Phelps. Supervisor Walker was present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone and Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, Nick Estabrook, Joe Cowan, Matt Holbrook, Jim & Karrie Phelps, Dale Ferger, Jake Rosen, Josephine Gear, Joe Loomis, Josh Williams, Conrad Owens, and Kyle Payne.
The minutes of October 17th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by two yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by two yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Jake Rosen questioned the payroll amount listed for Dustin Walker as a working supervisor and Dale Ferger asked about the reimbursement for dust control in the state account.
There was nothing to report.
Attorney Hailstone reported that DEP has had no further complaints about the Plank Road/SR 11 intersection. A final solution to the dust problem has not yet been worked out.
A bridge inspection report was received for Plank Road. The supervisors tabled it to be able to have more time to review the information.
Attorney Hailstone gave an update on the Tyler Lake Road project. After meeting with the judge, the engineers will now add the finishing touches and the project work can proceed.
The supervisors have prepared the budget for 2018. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to advertise the budget is available for the required 20 day public inspection. Motion carried by two yes votes.
They also reviewed the Miller subdivision and had no objections.
A resolution was received from PSATS regarding the prohibition of mini-casinos in the township. The state has passed Act 42 of 2017 which authorizes the placement of ten Category 4 casinos throughout the state. A municipality can prohibit hosting mini-casinos by passing a resolution and sending it to the PA Gaming Control Board before December 31, 2017. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to table the resolution until the next meeting. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Attorney Hailstone discussed recent questions about the weight limit ordinance the township had adopted in 1986. It has been superseded by more recently passed state laws, so it is unenforceable. In order to impose weight limits and bond the township roads, expensive engineering studies would have to be done and in some cases may result in finding the roads are able to handle heavy loads. The township can negotiate with the natural gas and pipeline companies for help in maintaining roads during heavy use and can also use impact fee money as necessary.
A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to part ways with Jim Phelps as an employee of Harford Township. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to promote Steve Welch from a part-time employee to a full-time employee. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A form was received from the Census Bureau to register for the Local Update of Census Addresses program.
Jake Rosen asked about the status of the DEP appeal for the sewer renovation permit. Attorney Hailstone responded that the new sewer engineer will need to step in to complete the application items that are required. Jake Rosen also asked about the reason for firing Jim Phelps, to which the supervisors had no comment.
Dale Ferger made a complaint about the high legal costs resulting from the lengthy Tyler Lake Road lawsuit and other legal issues for the sewer system. He also questioned the term gabion stone which was to be used on Wolf Lake Road.
An executive session will be held following the meeting to discuss possible legal issues with DEP. A motion was made by Furney and seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 PM.
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October 17, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone, Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings, and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, and Dottie Hagenbuch.
The minutes of September 19th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Phelps, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Two or three people will be attending the hazard mitigation plan update meeting next week at the county office building in Montrose.
Roadmaster Phelps had heard from Southwestern Energy recently regarding the Plank Road/SR 11 intersection. They proposed sending their trucks one way loaded going up the hill and then heading back out through New Milford Township.
A quote was received from ProSeal for placing blacktop on a 40 ft. section where Orphan School Road meets SR 547. The price came in at $11,750 and there may be additional cost to put a riser on the existing grate. The supervisors will take time to consider this project.
The condition of Dibble Road was discussed. The improvements needed would be replacing a pipe, cutting trees back, and placing quarry fill to raise and widen the road. The supervisors felt there would not be enough time to address it this year, so it will be looked at being done next year.
One bid was received for tree trimming from Old School Tree Service at a price of $175/hr. This would include a 60 ft. bucket truck, 185 HP chipper, and 1-2 laborers. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to accept this bid. Motion carried by three yes votes.
No bids were received for snowplowing.
The supervisors had gotten an updated price from John Bonham on the box for the new truck. The base price would be $56,130 plus options for a tarp and vibratory. There was a question on the increase for the price of the tarp. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to accept this quote and add the options after determining the correct price for the tarp. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The guiderail quote for Cobb Road that had been tabled last month was discussed again. Claverack had come out to view the site and agreed to reimburse the township for 50% of the cost. A motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to accept the quote from Chemung Supply of $5,188.20 with 50% reimbursement from Claverack. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors reviewed a subdivision for Masters on Tingley Lake and had no objections.
A driveway permit for Rich Tomlinson was approved and signed.
The contract with the Harford Volunteer Fire Company was received for next year. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to accept this contract in return for 1 mill property tax. Motion carried by two yes votes, Supervisor Phelps abstained as he is on their board of directors.
There was some discussion about ditching and rock lining an area on Wolf Lake Road. It could be done with either quarry fill or gabion stone to allow the water to flow through while keeping the bank stabilized. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to purchase gabion stone using the impact fee and place it on the right hand side of the hill. Motion carried by three yes votes.
An invitation was received from the Susq. County Conservation District to attend their fall banquet on November 8, 2017 at 6 PM at the Montrose VFW. The cost for the dinner is $10/person.
Supervisor Phelps announced that the investigation by the State Ethics Board directed at him has been completed, nothing was found and the matter is closed.
Ted Brewster asked about the complaints on Richardson Road made last month; that area is now being fixed.
An executive session will be held following the meeting to discuss legal issues. A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 PM.
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September 19, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone and Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings. Visitors present were Maureen Warren, Jake Rosen, Dale Ferger, Adam Briggs, and Kyle Payne.
The minutes of August 8th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Dale Ferger had questions on some of the bills.
The county is holding a meeting for the hazard mitigation plan update on October 26, 2017 at 6 PM in the county office building in Montrose.
Nothing new has been heard about the Plank Road/SR 11 intersection project. Roads that had millings put down have been checked to see what quantities of oil will be needed to spray on them.
Quotes have been received for guiderail repairs and installation. Adding guiderail to a section of Cobb Road would cost $5,188.20 and repairs to guiderail on sections of White and Wilcox Roads would cost $2,990.60. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to accept the quote for the White and Wilcox Road guiderails and to table the quote for Cobb Road to allow time to discuss the project with Claverack. Motion carried by three yes votes.
One of the rear tires on the backhoe is flat. The supervisors discussed options and prices to repair or replace it. Case Tire had quoted $699 for the brand tire that would match and Binghamton Tire Center had quoted $465 for a generic tire. The supervisors decided to have Case Tire try to repair the tire so that the tread heights would match.
A motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to purchase steel needed for equipment winter preparations. Motion carried by three yes votes. The supervisors also okayed purchasing needed road name signs up to the budgeted amount, having trucks haul in material that was purchased by Williams, and renting a wood chipper once the roadwork is finished up.
One bid was received for dozer work from Brozonis Excavating at a price of $95/hr. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to accept this bid. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors are still deciding on the upfit for the new truck which has a build date of November 20. Prices have been received from Powell’s and John Bonham, but the final totals depend on which options are chosen. The supervisors decided to hold off for another month to have more time to decide.
The contract for the Dirt & Gravel Roads grant on Oliver Road was signed and a letter will be sent to request 50% of the amount upfront. The supervisors had no objections for the Rizzo subdivision. The surplus property program is due for renewal and the necessary paperwork was signed.
The township officials county convention will be held on October 19, 2017 at 3 PM in the Montrose Bible Conference. The supervisors agreed to place an advertisement in the book as has been done in previous years.
The workshops to prepare the township’s 2018 budget will be held October 3 & 24, 2017 at 4 PM in the township office.
A motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to advertise for bids on an hourly rate for any size dump truck with a plow to clear snow and cinder as directed by the board of supervisors. Motion carried by three yes votes.
A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to advertise for bids on an hourly rate for tree trimming to clear canopies over roads and include a breakdown of the type of equipment and number of laborers to be used. Motion carried by three yes votes.
A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to advertise the township is looking for job applicants with a minimum Class B CDL to work as an operator/laborer. Motion carried by three yes votes.
A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney to add Dustin as a working supervisor, pay to be determined by the auditors. Motion carried by two yes votes, Walker abstained.
Solicitor Hailstone gave an update on the status of the USDA loan. An appeal has been filed with DEP regarding the denial of the water quality management permit as it is not necessary for the township to have an equalization tank as part of the design plan. The county funding which is part of the DCED grant has been received.
Jake Rosen commented on the recent suspension of the township Roadmaster. The supervisors could not address it at a public meeting, as it is a personnel and legal issue. Kyle Payne introduced himself as a write-in candidate for the six year supervisor term at the upcoming election. Adam Briggs had concerns about a bad section on Richardson Road that needs some work.
An executive session will be held following the meeting to discuss legal issues. A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 PM.
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August 8, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings. Visitors present were Maureen Warren, Dottie Hagenbuch, Dale Ferger, David Brainard, and Rich Bednarozy.
The minutes of July 18th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Walker, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes, Phelps abstained as he was not present at that meeting. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
David Brainard asked the supervisors about putting a mobile home on his property on Sherwood Hill Road.
There was nothing to report.
Another bid was received for DSA material. Popple Construction gave prices of $9.00/ton FOB and $15.07/ton delivered to the township yard or a job site. Their New Milford Quarry has passed the certification requirements of the Conservation District. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney to accept both prices and then decide the most cost effective way to transport it. Motion carried by three yes votes.
One quote has been given for the Plank Road/SR 11 intersection project and another one will be coming in shortly. After these prices are in, the parties involved can discuss the options and decide which way to go.
The road crew is continuing to grade as the weather allows, and is also working on sign replacement. Mowing will continue once the machine has been fixed.
The supervisors have reviewed several options for a new truck and have made a final selection of a Peterbilt single-axle, 4-wheel drive at a price under the Costars program of $115,185. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to purchase this truck, and then make a decision later about the upfit for the body. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors looked again at a driveway permit application for Julia Rizzo on Grinnell Road and approved it as the Roadmaster has been out to look at it.
The Appleman subdivision from last month was also approved.
The supervisors approved assessment permits for garages for Loren Robinson on Steamers Lane and Frank Zurla on Wescott Road. They also reviewed and approved the Reynen subdivision. Williams Field Services had submitted road crossing and driveway permits for their Beaver Meadow and Harding pipelines, which had no objections from the supervisors.
The Roadmaster had suggested doing an advertisement for bids for a dozer to place millings because the amount of work involved could push the amount higher than the phone quote threshold. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to request bids for an hourly rate on a dozer with operator to work as directed by the township. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The Roadmaster also had asked about purchasing more bagged calcium to use for dust control. A motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to first talk with Jim and then decide what to use. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The boom mower has a bad fuel pump and the Dodge will be going in for an inspection and repairs.
For the USDA loan, a meeting is being set up with DEP to discuss the permit application for the renovations to the sewer plant. The DCED grant is waiting on bid specifications to advertise for pumps and also on getting the funding from the county to get started with the replacement upgrades.
Dale Ferger asked if the supervisors had inspected the work done on Pennay Hill Road and if they have a way to hold the millings together that were put down on Cobb Road. He also feels the supervisors should look into replacing the mower, as it has been broken down for quite a while.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.
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July 18, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office at 7:00 PM by Vice-Chairman Sue Furney, due to the absence of Chairman Doug Phelps. Supervisor Walker was present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone, Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings, and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, Dale Ferger, and Joe Loomis.
The minutes of June 20th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by two yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by two yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Dale Ferger asked about how the deposits are made to pay the bills and also what the impact fees can be used for.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: There was nothing to report.
One bid was received for DSA material from Schaefer Enterprises of Deposit, NY. They gave prices of $6.90/ton FOB, $16.90/ton delivered to township yard, and $19.40/ton delivered to job site. There was some discussion about instead putting down millings with a coating of oil & chip. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to table the bid for further discussion. Motion carried by two yes votes.
One bid was received for the Stephens Road project from Barhite Excavating. They gave a price of $20,950 to grade ½ mile, prepare the base, and place DSA 6” deep and 20’ wide with a paver. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to table the bid for further discussion. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Solicitor Hailstone gave an update on the Plank Road/SR 11 intersection project. There is a possibility that SWN may pave the road from the apron up to the entrance to the Lopke Quarry. If that doesn’t work out, the other plan may be considered and the cost shared three ways. DEP has been informed about the progress so far.
The purchase of a new truck was discussed again. Supervisor Walker has some concerns with brake issues on the older trucks as they were not designed to be used for what the township has been doing. To be able to get the truck before winter, the order needs to be placed soon. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to talk with Supervisor Phelps and if all agree, to move forward with the purchase of a new truck. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Solicitor Hailstone gave an update on the Tyler Lake Road litigation. The pre-trial conference was held today and the judge gave the plaintiffs two options: have a real trial or let the judge decide which engineer plan to use. They were given fourteen days to make the choice. Once a final determination is made, the township can proceed with finishing the work. The Conservation District was asked about extending the grant further and they are willing to do so.
The supervisors tabled a driveway permit for Julia Rizzo on Grinnell Road for the Roadmaster to be able to review. They also tabled the Appleman subdivision for further clarification.
Roadmaster Phelps has gotten quotes on using a dozer to place millings. Brozonis Excavating was at $95/hr, Barhite Excavating was at $125/hr, Estabrook Excavating was at $125/hr, Frank Payne was at $125/hr, and Dale Payne was at $140/hr. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to accept the quote from Brozonis if we decide to do it. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Roadmaster Phelps also asked about getting prices for use of a mini-excavator for up to three days to clean ditches on Orphan School Road and Wolf Lake Road. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to allow the Roadmaster to proceed with getting quotes and then decide which to use. Motion carried by two yes votes.
The existing sewer loans with Peoples Bank have been paid off and the engineering revisions for the USDA loan have been submitted. Bid specifications will need to be drawn up for purchasing pumps under the DCED grant. JHA Companies has requested getting three more pumps to have available for repairs. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to go ahead with this purchase. Motion carried by two yes votes.
PennDOT had sent letters regarding three upcoming projects in Harford Township. They are proposing safety improvements on State Route 11 from Squier Cemetery Road to State Route 106, bridge replacement/rehabilitation on State Route 11 over Tannery Street in Kingsley, and bridge replacement/rehabilitation on State Route 2022 over a branch of Martins Creek. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to agree to these projects. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Dale Ferger commented that the township may need to hire more help so that the mower can be used and feels that the supervisors need to push Cabot to get their work started on Pennay Hill Road.
Maureen Warren asked if any work has been done on Monument Lane and if a house in town has cleaned up their garbage bags.
Joe Loomis thanked the supervisors for the job they do and their good use of township money.
A motion was made by Furney and seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 PM. An executive session will follow to discuss the legal issue with Tyler Lake Road.
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June 20, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone, Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings, and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, Dale Ferger, and Tom and Bryan Brozonis.
The minutes of May 16th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by three yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Supervisor Walker reported on the county meeting he and Steve Smith, the township’s EMC, had attended. There may be cuts to the federal funds available, so it was recommended for townships to start setting money aside to have ready if needed. This could be done as a line item in the yearly budget. A motion was made by Furney, second by Phelps to appoint Dustin Walker as the township’s deputy EMC. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors discussed putting down DSA as a possible way to help the dust problems on Stephens Road. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to advertise for bids for a contractor to grade ½ mile, prepare the base, and place DSA 6” deep and 20’ wide, with the township to supply the material. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The Plank Road/SR 11 intersection project is still waiting on price quotes from the contractors. The proposed idea is to put down DSA and then a double chip over the surface.
The supervisors opened bids for roadwork that was discussed last month. Roadmaster Phelps has come up with a plan to work for five days with Thompson Township. They will send their grader with an operator and work with another rented roller with our operator and tri-axle dump trucks at a price per mile of $1875. Brozonis Excavating gave a price with trucks figured in at $3179 per mile and Barhite Excavating gave a price of $3850 per mile. After some discussion, a motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to utilize Thompson Township as stated for five days to complete Orphan School Road, Bartholomew Road, Russell Road, and Tingley Street and to use Brozonis Excavating in an area to be decided. Motion carried by three yes votes.
No bids were received for DSA material, so a motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to advertise for bids again next month. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors approved an assessment permit for Rudy Ruedemann for a shed on SR 547.
They also reviewed a driveway permit application for Cabot on Upper Podunk Road. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to sign the permit once a pipe is put in and the Roadmaster has checked it over. Motion carried by three yes votes.
No further progress has been made on the purchase of a new truck.
The air line repairs at the sewer plant went well and are now complete. The flow meter quit working and must be replaced with a new one. The new pumps have arrived and some repairs are being made. The existing sewer loans with Peoples Bank can now be paid off with the interim financing for the USDA loan, which is at a lower interest rate. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to pay off these two loans. Motion carried by three yes votes.
Revisions are currently being made to the engineering, bid specifications, and the DEP permit application. The contract for the DCED grant was received and signed, which will allow the funding to be available as needed.
Dale Ferger asked questions about the ranking of the township roads and how the decisions are being made to work them.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 PM. An executive session will follow to discuss personnel and the legal issue with Tyler Lake Road.
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May 16, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone, Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings, and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Nick Estabrook, Adam Rauch, Joe Loomis, and Glenn Eby of JHA Companies.
The minutes of April 18th were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Bill Kern, Executive Director of the Countryside Conservancy, was present to explain their mission of protecting the Tunkhannock Creek watershed. They operate as a non-profit land trust and work to create trails for public use.
The supervisors had met recently with DEP, PennDOT, Southwestern Energy, and Lopke Stone Quarry regarding the many complaints about dirt being tracked off Plank Road onto State Route 11. Different options to address this problem are being considered and companies are being asked to put together proposals with price estimates. The plan is to work together with all parties involved to find a cost-effective solution.
Bids were opened for the potential Oliver Road grant work. Roadmaster Phelps said that the grant awarding may be delayed until the state agrees on its budget. The bids received were $43,000 from Estabrook Excavating, $59,866 from Ken Rauch Excavating, and $114,380 from Barhite Excavating. There were some questions as the bid from Estabrook Excavating was not on the PennDOT bid form. After consulting with the township solicitor, the advertisement did not clearly state that the bid form must be used, so the price given by Estabrook Excavating could be considered. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to accept the bid from Estabrook Excavating in the amount of $43,000 for the Oliver Road project, to be done pending final approval of the grant. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The DSA bid from earlier this year only had one response from New Enterprise Stone. According to the Conservation District, there has been some trouble with their material getting certified. The only other close supplier of DSA material would be from Kellers Quarry. An advertisement will be placed to request an additional bid on DSA material that meets the requirements of the Conservation District.
The supervisors discussed lawn mowing at the township building and sewer plant for this year. A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney for the township to purchase a mower with a cap of $250 and to pay our own staff to mow during regular business hours. Motion carried by three yes votes.
A driveway permit application for Allan Sloat on Bartholomew Road was reviewed and approved. The supervisors also approved assessment permits for John Michaels – carport on School St. and Van Empet – new shed & shed extension on Bartholomew Road. A multi-unit agreement was received from Cabot to modify the township’s gas lease providing for drilling farther on existing wells.
Glenn Eby, of JHA Companies, was present to explain his review of the proposed Cabot water withdrawal site in Kingsley. His concern is that the 2 acres of asphalt will cause some stormwater management issues, which the county and the conservation district are not reviewing. Glenn recommends that the township work on implementing a stormwater management ordinance and also on developing an application form and fee schedule for these type of projects.
Roadmaster Phelps had obtained three quotes on pipe as we are in need of more after doing grant projects and other roadwork. John Bonham gave prices of $6.08/ft. for 15” smooth pipe with $7.60 for each band and $8.38/ft. for 18” smooth pipe with $10.70 for each band, Chemung Supply gave prices of $6.09/ft. for 15” smooth pipe with $7.61 for each band and $8.37/ft. for 18” smooth pipe with $10.71 for each band, and Marie Turner Inc. gave prices of $6.10/ft. for 15” smooth pipe with $10.00 for each band and $8.56/ft. for 18” smooth pipe with $14.85 for each band. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to purchase a trailer load of pipe from John Bonham as it was the closest and cheapest and would match what we already have in stock. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The gas company will soon be reworking Pennay Hill Road and they have asked the township to supply the pipe for the sections that need to be replaced. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney to supply the pipe for the gas company to install before working the road. Motion carried by three yes votes.
Supervisor Walker gave his recommendation that the township should request bids from contractors to assist with getting all the summer roadwork done. Contractors will grade, add material, and roll providing 2 dump trucks and using own equipment & operators at a set price per mile. The township will provide the material and specify the work to be done on each section of road. The supervisors agreed to this recommendation and also to put the decision about a new dump truck on hold for one month to review the budget and see where the roadwork prices come in.
The air line leak at the sewer plant has turned into a major hole and 20-30 feet of the air line will need to be replaced as soon as possible. Joe Hunt is getting together the parts and making a plan to fix it. The plant will need to be shutdown for a day to make the necessary repairs. A message will be mailed out with the quarter bills and placed on the website and newspaper to notify people. New parts have been ordered for the fair and there are some questions as to who should pay for them. There is also a quote on repairing one of the pumps that was pulled out and found to be dam-aged. The supervisors did decide to order 5 new pumps, 2 with basins, to replenish the stock on hand.
A grant agreement was signed with the Progress Authority for their assistance in administering the grant. The contract with DCED should be received shortly, after which funds can be drawn down as needed.
A letter was received from the county regarding a municipal Emergency Management Coordinator meeting to be held on June 6, 2017 at 6:30 PM at the County Office Building.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM. An executive session will follow to discuss Tyler Lake Road.
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April 18, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Solicitor Jamie Hailstone, Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings, and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, Dale Ferger, Joe Cowan, Agnes and Donna Schulze, and Jesse Grimm of JHA Companies.
The minutes of March 21st were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by three yes votes. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Walker. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Maureen Warren asked questions about the work being done on Lower Podunk Road. Joe Cowan had a problem with the emergency repairs done recently on Tyler Lake Road. Donna Schulze asked when her driveway pipe would be reinstalled.
A quote was received from Chemung Supply about guide rail removal and repairs on Pennay Hill Road. This work would allow for drainage corrections so the road can be reclaimed by the gas company after their excessive use of it. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to accept the quote from Chemung in the amount of $2,995.80. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The Lower Podunk Road grant work will be starting shortly. Roadmaster Jim Phelps would like the township to send a letter requesting 50% of the grant amount upfront. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney for the secretary to send a letter to the Conservation District. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The next grant round will be going toward work on Oliver Road. Roadmaster Phelps asked about advertising for bids to be opened next month, so that project can move forward without delay. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to request bids for Oliver Road work, pending approval of the grant. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The grant application to DCED for funding to replace sewer pumps was approved. Supervisor Furney thanked the secretary and the Progress Authority for completing the paperwork and the Susquehanna County Commissioners for contributing funds for the in-kind amount.
Jesse Grimm of JHA Companies gave the supervisors an update on the condition of the sewer plant and pump repairs. Site Specific had helped with training on diagnosing problems and replacing failed parts. The calls they have been on have found a number of problems that have been going on for some time. A recent inspection of the collection system lists many locations where corrections are needed. At the plant, the air lines are leaking and will need to be replaced soon. These upgrades are planned as part of the USDA loan, which is moving forward to the next step of going out for bids.
The supervisors reviewed and signed forms from Peoples Security Bank to begin direct deposit with online banking.
An amended division order for the Adams pad was sent by Cabot to be signed by the supervisors. They also signed a holding tank maintenance agreement for the new compressor station on Tingley Lake Road. An assessment permit was approved for Rob Weida for a garage on Orphan School Road.
One bid was submitted for lawn mowing at the township building and sewer plant. The supervisors decided to table it to allow time for other people interested to submit bids also.
The supervisors decided to hold the annual township cleanup days starting on Monday, June 5th. The cost will remain at $60 a load with an extra cost for tires. Electronics still cannot be accepted.
The supervisors will be meeting to review options and prices for getting a new plow truck. More information will be available for next month’s meeting.
Dale Ferger asked when a grant would be obtained for the other section of Lower Podunk Road and about the decision to rent a roller.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 PM. An executive session will follow to discuss Tyler Lake Road.
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March 21, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisors Furney and Walker were present along with Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Maureen Warren, Dorothy Hagenbuch, Dan and Linda Bonham, Connie Breese, and Robert DeLuca.
The minutes of January 3rd – reorganization & regular meetings were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes; Walker abstained as he was not present.
The minutes of February 1st – special meeting were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes; Walker abstained as he was not present.
The minutes of February 21st were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Walker, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes; Phelps abstained as he was not present.
The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by three yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
The supervisors have discussed switching employee payroll to direct deposit. Payday will change to Friday to allow a little extra time to prepare the paperwork. A motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to begin the transition to direct deposit. Motion carried by three yes votes.
Roadmaster Jim Phelps has gotten phone quotes on prices for roller rental for the upcoming roadwork season. Cleveland Brothers has a 66-inch single drum roller for $3500/month with a $500 delivery fee, Bradco Supply has a 66-inch smooth drum roller for $3600/month with a $400 delivery fee, and Stephenson Equipment declined as they do not currently have one available. There was a question about the maintenance of the machine. Cleveland Brothers also gave prices for a 308 mini-excavator at $1,450/week and $3,655/month, a 311 mini-excavator at $1,650/week and $4,080/month, and a dozer at $1,650/week. The supervisors will look closer at further information before making any decisions.
Still Hill Road is in such bad condition that it can’t really be plowed, even with a grader. A quote of $9,600 was given by Dale Payne to build up the road with quarry fill. This would help make the road more accessible until such a time that a better driving surface could be made. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to accept the $9,600 quote from Dale Payne to do the work when he can. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The Highway Occupancy permit for the Jeffers Road intersection with SR 106 is set to expire as it has been a year since it was opened. The work done last year has improved the sight distance, but it is still not quite to PennDOT standards. The supervisors agreed to keep the permit open for another year to allow more time to complete the project.
Bids were opened for the items advertised last month with the following results:
Ace Robbins | Gasoline $0.15 over rack per gallon On Road Diesel $0.15 over rack per gallon Winter Additive $0.03 per gallon |
Mirabito Energy | Gasoline $0.14 over rack per gallon On Road Diesel $0.14 over rack per gallon Kerosene(winter blend) $0.14 over rack per gallon |
Barhite Excavating | $1850 per day, $125 per mobilization |
Suit-Kote Corp | $1800 per day, $500 per mobilization |
RPD Enterprises | $3000 per day, $300 per mobilization |
Vestal Asphalt | $3650 per day, $750 per mobilization |
Dust Control
Vestal Asphalt | Liquid Calcium $1.05 per gallon AEP Oil $1.218 per gallon |
Suit-Kote Corp | Liquid Calcium $1.03 per gallon AEP Oil $1.49 per gallon |
Bob O’Reilly & Son | Salt Brine $950 per load |
Road Materials
Lopke Rock Products | Half Inch Minus $5.00 FOB, $9.25 job site, $9.25 as directed. 2A Stone $6.75 FOB, $11.00 job site, $11.00 as directed. 2B Stone $10.00 FOB, $14.20 job site, $14.20 as directed. R3 Stone $9.00 FOB, $13.25 job site, $13.25 as directed. R4 Stone $10.80 FOB, $15.00 job site, $15.00 as directed. Anti-skid #67 $10.00 FOB, $14.20 job site, $14.20 as directed. |
New Enterprise Stone | Half Inch Minus $9.70 FOB, $13.50 job site, $14.50 as directed. 2A Stone $7.60 FOB, $11.40 job site, $12.40 as directed. 2B Stone $11.30 FOB, $15.10 job site, $16.10 as directed. R3 Stone $11.00 FOB, $14.80 job site, $15.80 as directed. R4 Stone $11.10 FOB, $14.90 job site, $15.90 as directed. Anti-skid #67 $11.15 FOB, $14.95 job site. DSA $10.23 FOB, $14.03 job site, $15.03 as directed. |
Tri-Axle |
Young Transporting – $70/hr. Barhite Excavating – $74/hr. general hauling & ditching, $74/hr. tailgating roadmaterials Diaz Companies – $75/hr. general hauling & ditching, $75/hr. tailgating road materials Ronald B. Kiefer – $75/hr. general hauling & ditching, $75/hr. tailgating road materials Stoney Mountain Tractor Parts – $75/hr. Tompkins Enterprises – $80/hr. general hauling & ditching, $80/hr. tailgating road materials with a 4 hour minimum |
Tandem Axle |
Barhite Excavating – $70/hr. general hauling & ditching, $70/hr. tailgating roadmaterials William J. Lawrence Excavating – $75/hr. |
Black Cinders
Kiefer Trucking | $14.75 per yard |
Brown Farms Enterprises | $17.00 per yard |
Stoney Mountain Tractor Parts | $17.98 per yard |
Romanski Trucking | $19.25 per yard |
The auditors were present to give their 2016 Report. Records were examined and found to be in order and all bids were reviewed and appear to have been awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Two findings were noted for corrective action: number of hand-written entries on timecards and occasions of township spending over budgeted amounts without corresponding resolutions.
Two roads have developed serious issues from the winter, which need to be addressed as soon as possible. Roadmaster Phelps has prices of $950 from Estabrook Excavating for a section of Stearns Road and $7,500 from Frank Payne Excavating for Lower Podunk Road. A motion was made by Walker, second by Phelps to accept these prices and get both roads done. Motion carried by three yes votes.
The supervisors discussed setting a dollar amount for other emergency road repairs that may come up with the change of seasons. The Roadmaster will consult with the supervisors to okay which roads and who will be doing the repairs. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Walker to put $15,000 aside in an emergency road repair category to handle any issues that may arise. Motion carried by three yes votes.
Supervisor Furney suggested putting an ad in the Mulligan’s to remind residents that building permits are required and who they should contact.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 PM.
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February 21, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order at 7:00 PM in the township office by Vice-Chairman Sue Furney, as Chairman Phelps was absent. She welcomed newly appointed supervisor Dustin Walker to the Board. Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings and Roadmaster Jim Phelps were present along with visitors Ted Brewster, Zack Weida, Maureen Warren, Dorothy Hagenbuch, Adam Briggs, Joe Cowan, and Dale Ferger.
The minutes of January 3rd – reorganization & regular meetings and February 1st – special meeting were reviewed, but could not be approved as there were not two supervisors present who were at those meetings. The bill list was approved as printed on a motion by Furney, second by Walker. Motion carried by two yes votes. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Ted Brewster asked about ditching needed on Stearns Road. Roadmaster Jim Phelps said it will be worked on and it may be a possibility for a Dirt & Gravel Roads grant this spring.
Joe Cowan questioned the work to be done on Tyler Lake Road. Supervisor Furney stated they will be meeting shortly with the engineer to discuss the details.
Zack Weida spoke on behalf of the owners of Scott’s Saw Shop on Tripp Road about their need for more cinders. Roadmaster Jim Phelps said it may be a problem with their trucks coming at off-peak hours.
Roadmaster Jim Phelps asked again if the supervisors would consider direct deposit for the township workers as it would be easier than having people leave to go to the bank during snowstorms. The supervisors will discuss this further during an executive session. He also asked if the supervisors were planning to purchase or rent a boom mower for the coming roadwork season.
A motion was made by Walker, second by Furney to approve the following list of materials for bidding:
3000 tons of half-inch minus | 5000 tons of 2A | 500 tons of 2B |
500 tons of R3 | 1500 tons of R4 | 3500 tons of #67 anti-skid |
15,000 tons DSA | 2000 yards of black cinders | 40,000 gallons of salt brine |
10,000 gallons of liquid calcium | 15,000 gallons of AEP oil | 9000 gallons of on-road diesel fuel |
4000 gallons of gasoline | tri-axle and tandem axle trucks for tailgating and general hauling/ditching | a paver with operator & laborer. |
A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to accept Resolution #1-17 – Bank Signature Cards. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Plant operations have been taken over by JHA Companies and the transition has gone well so far. They have found rebuild kits that are available with all the parts necessary to repair the old pumps. They would like to purchase 2 kits at $800 each to have on hand. A motion was made by Furney, second by Walker to approve this request. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion was made by Furney and seconded by Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 PM.
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February 1, 2017
The special meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:00 PM. Supervisor Furney was present along with Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings and Roadmaster Jim Phelps. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Jean Kelly, Rob and Dale Weida, Zack Weida, Maureen Warren, Dorothy Hagenbuch, and Craig Stout.
The treasurer’s report for December 31, 2016 was reviewed and filed for audit.
Roadmaster Jim Phelps asked if the supervisors would look into starting direct deposit for the township workers.
The design phase for the USDA sewer project is almost complete. A permit application needs to be submitted to DEP for the plant renovations. A motion was made by Furney, second by Phelps to sign the application form and get it notarized. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Three candidates have expressed an interest in the vacant supervisor position: Dustin Walker, Zack Weida, and Gerry Yushinsky. After some discussion, a motion was made by Furney, second by Phelps to appoint Dustin Walker to fill the spot for the remainder of this year. Motion carried by two yes votes.
The amendment to Ordinance #28 – Holding Tanks has been advertised. A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney to adopt this amended ordinance. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A sewage planning module for the Empet subdivision has been submitted for the township’s review before going to DEP. A motion was made by Furney, second by Phelps to sign the municipal section. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Craig Stout described the baseball association plans to improve the batting cage area. They would like the township to provide a tri-axle load of 2B stone to level out the area before adding concrete and astro turf. A motion was made by Furney, second by Phelps for the township to provide the stone and make arrangements to get it delivered. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 PM.
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January 3, 2017
The regular meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors was called to order in the township office by Chairman Doug Phelps at 7:23 PM. Supervisor Furney was present along with Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn Jennings, Roadmaster Jim Phelps, and Township Solicitor Jamie Hailstone. Visitors present were Ted Brewster, Jean Kelly, Jacob Rosen, and Dale Ferger.
The minutes of December 20th were reviewed and accepted by Furney. Phelps abstained as he was not present at that meeting. The bill list for December 31st was approved as printed on a motion by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes. The bill list for January 3rd was approved as printed on a motion by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes. The treasurer’s report will be available at next month’s meeting.
Roadmaster Jim Phelps reported that they have been making repairs to the equipment and will work on sign installation as the weather allows.
The holding tank ordinance can be amended to allow for a commercial exception under DEP regulations. A motion was made by Furney, second by Phelps to advertise this proposed change to Ordinance #28. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney to accept the 2017 JHA service agreement and fee schedule. Motion carried by two yes votes. The supervisors discussed placing an advertisement for the supervisor vacancy to find any candidates who would be interested. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM to appoint a new supervisor and also for general purposes.
Jacob Rosen asked for an explanation about the contaminated soil that Cabot had asked the township to sign for.
Jean Kelly wanted to clarify that the Tyler Lake Road lawsuit is not closed and that the roadwork changes still need to be finished and approved. She also noted that while there was no cash settlement involved, the case has been costly for both sides paying their own legal and engineering fees.
Dale Ferger asked how the $1.9 million loan for the sewer will affect the borrowing ability of the township.
A motion was made by Phelps and seconded by Furney to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM.
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January 3, 2017 (Reorganization)
The Annual Reorganization Meeting of the Harford Township Supervisors began at 7:00 PM in the township office.
A motion to appoint Doug Phelps as Temporary Chairman was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to appoint Carolyn Jennings as Temporary Secretary was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to nominate Doug Phelps as 2017 Chairman of the Board was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to nominate Sue Furney as 2017 Vice-Chairman was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to appoint Carolyn Jennings as Secretary/Treasurer was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes. Compensation will be set at an Executive Session.
A motion to vacate the position of Assistant Secretary was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to appoint Jim Phelps as Roadmaster was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes. Compensation will be set at an Executive Session.
A motion to appoint Rob Weida as Assistant Roadmaster was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes. Compensation will be set at an Executive Session.
A motion to recognize Jim Phelps, Rob Weida, and Harry Buchanan as full-time employees and Carl Colwell, Steve Welch, Wayne Frederici, Trevor Payne, Andy Brigham, Todd Decker, and Jerry Yushinsky as part-time employees was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes. Compensation will be set at an Executive Session.
A motion to set the Treasurer’s Bond for 2017 at $1,500,000 was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to reappoint the firm of Kreder Brooks Hailstone as the township’s legal counsel with Jamie Hailstone as the lead was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to appoint Dorothy Hagenbuch to serve as Chairman of the Vacancy Board was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to appoint Peoples Security Bank & Trust as the depository for township funds was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to hold regular meetings at the township building at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to certify Carolyn Jennings as the voting delegate to the State Convention was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
A motion to establish the paid employee holidays as May 29th - Memorial Day, July 4th - Independence Day, September 4th - Labor Day, November 23rd and 24th - Thanksgiving Day and the day after, December 25th - Christmas, and January 1, 2018 - New Years Day was made by Phelps, second by Furney. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Old Business: A motion to accept the resignation of Conrad Owens was made by Furney, second by Phelps. Motion carried by two yes votes.
Public Comments: Dale Ferger wanted to point out that the solicitor is to work solely on behalf of the township.
A motion was made by Phelps, second by Furney to close the reorganization meeting at 7:22PM.
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